Webinar: Impact of NAR Settlement on Mortgage Banks

Webinar: Impact of NAR Settlement on Mortgage Banks
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
The NAR settlement marks a dramatic shift in how the US Housing Market transacts business and this will undoubtedly lead to challenges and opportunities affecting both Realtors and lenders.
Join us for a special webinar where we will discuss the settlement and its effects - specifically on lenders.
You will learn and develop insight on potential changes affecting home purchase transactions and how this will affect Realtors and indirectly the relationships between agents and mortgage lenders.
We will also discuss new business models that are likely to emerge in mortgage banking as a result of the NAR Settlement and possible legal challenges, opportunities, and strategies for developing compliant economic relationships between lenders and agents.
This session will not be heavy on legal concepts. It will break it down to things you need to understand for a practical business approach.
This is an open session for the industry, so if you're focused on purchase transactions, you won't want to miss this session.
- Ari Karen, Head of Litigation, Labor and Employment, Mitchell Sandler
- Daniella Casseres, Head of Mortgage Regulatory Practice Group, Mitchell Sandler